After sending an SMS message, it’s good to validate that the message was delivered to its destination. Fortunately, that’s a functionality you can easily build with ASP.NET. In this example, we’ll be receiving a webhook from the Vonage SMS API and printing the JSON in that webhook out to the console.
If you want to skip the step-by-step and just play with the sample, the code is available on GitHub.
To complete this tutorial, you will need a Vonage API account. If you don’t have one already, you can sign up today and start building with free credit. Once you have an account, you can find your API Key and API Secret at the top of the Vonage API Dashboard.
Open up your console and navigate to the directory you’d like to create the project in. When you’re at the correct, directory run the command:
dotnet new mvc -n ReceiveDlrAspNet
Now cd
into ReceiveDlrAspNet
and add the Nexmo.Csharp.Client package using the following command:
dotnet add package nexmo.csharp.client
Open up this directory in VS Code.
Next, we’ll add the delivery receipt route to our home controller. Open Controllers\HomeController.cs
and add the following to the HomeController
public async Task<IActionResult> HandleDlr()
using(var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(Request.Body))
var json = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
return NoContent();
From a development perspective, that’s all we needed to do, so let’s go ahead and get into testing. We’re going to test this with ngrok, which allows us to build a publicly accessible tunnel to our app. This is useful when we need to expose publicly available HTTP endpoints to our apps. If you are going to be testing this with IIS Express, you will want to check our explainer on the subject as there are special considerations. What this boils down to is that we need to add a --host-header
option when we start up ngrok.
Open Properties\launchSettings.json
. You’ll notice two objects in here: iisSettings
and profiles
. profiles
has two items, IIS Express
and ReceiveDlrAspNet
(assuming that’s what you named your project). If you are running in IIS Express, change the applicationUrl
of the iisSettings
object to http://localhost:5000
and set the sslPort
to 0. If you are using kestrel (like I am), go ahead and delete the https://localhost:5001
section of the ReceiveDlrAspNet
object. Both of these will effectively make the app run on localhost:5000
, which will allow us to get ngrok to forward messages.
In your terminal, run the command dotnet run
Start ngrok by using the following command:
ngrok http --host-header="localhost:5000" 5000
This will pop up a screen that looks like:
If you navigate to the forwarding address for HTTP (in my case
, but the 2ad8b960630f
part will vary on the ngrok free plan), you will see the generic welcome page for an ASP.NET Core app. We didn’t change any of the views, so that means your app is up and accessible!.
The last thing we need to do before we’re ready to receive webhooks is to tell Vonage where to send the webhooks—in my case, I want them sent to the endpoint accessible at
. To do this, navigate to the settings page of the dashboard and set the Delivery receipts
setting to the your own endpoint address. Also, set the HTTP Method
, as we’re assuming it’s a POST request with a JSON payload.
Click the save button, and you’re all configured to receive SMS delivery receipts!
For this example, I’m sending an SMS with the nexmo CLI. It’s as easy as running:
Enter confirm
to send, and in the console where your app is running you’ll see something along the lines of:
The post How to Receive SMS Delivery Receipts with ASP.NET Core MVC appeared first on Vonage Developer Blog.