SMS Language Understanding with LUIS and .NET

Blog post about extracting intent and entities from SMS messages Using LUIS AI


Create a Basic Video Chat App with ASP.NET and Angular

Build a basic video chat app with ASP.NET, Angular and the Vonage Video API!

Computer Vision

Real-Time Face Detection in .NET with OpenTok and OpenCV

Discussion of face detection techniques and building face detection into video calls.


Building a Real Time .NET Transcription Service

Using the Windows Speech Cognitive services and the Vonage Voice API, let's build a real time transcription service!


Santa’s Nexmo Helper – C# Advent Series

Let's build an omni-channel FAQ Bot for Santa Clause!


“Hey Facebook, What Type of Dog Is That?” – Adding Machine Learning to Messenger

Let's combine the Vonage Messages API and ML.NET and TensorFlow to create a Convolutional Neural Network to classify different types of dogs!
